It takes a lot of people to make a winning team. Everybody's contribution is important.
Julie Crowley Profile
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Office: D255 Email: Phone: 021-4336745 |
- "Rearranging equations: (concepts – misconceptions) × peer discussion", MSOR Connections Vol 18, No 3 (2020) with Maryna Lischynska and Catherine Palmer (submitted 2019)
- “Embeddedness of Mathematics e-Assessment and Attitudes Affecting Adoption”, MSOR Connections Vol 17, No 3 (2019) with Deirdre Casey
- “The Transposition Project: origins, context and early findings”, MSOR Connections Vol17, No2, (2019) with Maryna Lischynska, Catherine Palmer and Transposition team.
- “Rethinking the Mathematics Worksheet in Higher education: Embracing the Application of Spaced and Interleaved Practice" with Deirdre Casey and Clodagh Carroll (2018). Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 2.
- ‘Numbas as an engagement tool for first-year Business Studies students', MSOR Vol 15 No2 (2017), with Tom Carroll, Deirdre Casey, Kieran Mulchrone, Áine Ní Shé
- 'A year of engaging with the discipline of noticing: five mathematics lecturers' reflections', with Breen, S., McCluskey, A., Meehan, M., and O'Shea, A (2014). Teaching in Higher Education, 19(3).
- ‘On Lundh’s percolation diffusion’, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, (2011), with Tom Carroll (University College Cork), Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà (Universitat de Barcelona).
- ‘Reflection on Practice, in Practice: The Discipline of Noticing’, BSRLM Proceedings (31) 3 Oxford University, Nov 2011, with Sinead Breen (St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra), Aisling McCluskey (National University of Ireland, Galway ), Maria Meehan (University College Dublin) and Ann O’Shea (National University of Ireland, Maynooth ).
- ‘Brownian motion in a ball in the presence of spherical obstacles’, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 1711-1720.
- ‘Brownian motion in the presence of spherical obstacles’, Ph. D. thesis (2009).
- ‘Percolation phenomena for Brownian motion from a geometric viewpoint’, J. Phys. Conf. Ser.138 012016 (2008)
- ‘Regulated Functions on Topological Spaces’, Real Anal. Exchange Volume 33, Number 2 (2007), 405-416.
- ‘Regulated Functions on Davison Spaces’, M.Sc. Thesis (2004).
"Strength in Numbers - Maths community of practice tackle a key problem area for students", European First Year Experience Conference - EFYE2019, Cork Institute of Technology, June 2019.
"The Transposition Project - an overview" , All Ireland Conference on Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Further and Higher Education, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, October 2018.
- "The Transposition Project", CETL-MSOR 2018: Evidencing Excellence in the Mathematical Sciences, University of Glasgow, September 2018.
- “Using Numbas as an Engagement Tool for First Year Business Studies Students”, E-assessment in Mathematics Education 2016, Newcastle University, September 2016.
- “Numbas as a Tutorial Tool”, Irish Maths Learning Support Network, National University of Galway, May 2016.
- “Academic Learning Centre Network”, Cork Institute of Technology, Jan 2016.
- “A Case Study of Maths and Stats Support, development and delivery”, E-assessment Workshop, Cork Institute of Technology, May 2014.
- “A Tale about Functions”, Mathsfest 2013, University College Dublin, October 2013.
- “Student Engagement with Mathematics Support at Cork Institute of Technology”, 7th Annual Irish Workshop on Mathematics Learning and Support Centres, Queens University Belfast, December 2012.
- “A Tale about Functions”, Mathsweek, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin, October 2012.
- “Mathematical Enrichment Programme – Maths Circles”, Irish Mathematical Society AGM, Institute of Technology Tallaght, August 2012.
- “A Generalization of Regulated Functions”, Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, March 2012.
- “A Tale about Functions”, Nonlinear Dynamics Conference in Memory of Alexei Pokrovskii, University College Cork, September 2011.
- “My Favourite Functions”, University of Limerick, April 2010.
- “Some Drunk Flies in a Pub”, IGNITE, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, December 2009.
- “Brownian Motion in a Ball in the Presence of Spherical Obstacles”, London Mathematical Society, London, September 2009.
- “Collections of Spherical Obstacles that Brownian motion can avoid”, RDS, Dublin, April 2009 and UCC, Cork, March 2009.
- “A Characterization of avoidable collections of Spherical Obstacles in the Unit Ball”, Analysis Seminar Series (3 talks), UCC, Cork, February 2009.
- “My Favourite Functions –the journey thus far”, Postgraduate Seminar, University College Cork, November 2008.
- “A fly on Murphys”, International Workshop on Multi-Rate Processes and Hysteresis, University College Cork, 2008.
- “Regulated Functions”, International Conference on Hysteresis and Mutli-scale Asymptotics, University College Cork, 2004
- “Regulated Functions on Davison Spaces” at the British Mathematics Colloquium, Queens University Belfast, 2004.