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Mature Students

Maths For Matures

This programme allows prospective mature students an opportunity to demonstrate their ability in mathematics when applying for full-time undergraduate science/engineering courses in MTU Cork.

The MTU Cork Maths for Matures Programme is an 18 hour programme in elementary mathematics, including an assessment of the work covered, and a feedback session. It is normally delivered in January, prior to the CAO application deadline.

Aims of the Maths for Matures Programme:

  • Familiarise prospective mature students with some of the elementary mathematics that they will encounter in the first year of an engineering/science programme
  • Provide an opportunity to prospective mature students to demonstrate their ability in and aptitude for mathematics
  • Provide the Head of Department with a test result which would demonstrate if the prospective mature student has a suitable aptitude for mathematics in relation to the course(s) being applied for.

 Important Elements of the Programme

  • Participants in the Maths for Matures programme must commit to attending the full programme, to include all classes, assessment, and feedback session.
  • €30 fee applies to the Maths for Matures Programme (refundable on completion of the full programme).
  • The Maths for Matures Programme is limited to 25 places. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis (based on payment of fee).
  • A good result on the Maths for Matures programme does not in itself guarantee entry onto the course of your choice.
  • Further programme content and detail queries should be made to



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