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Stats Calculator for Exams

The below linked Excel files contain macros which generate summary statistics for examination marks which the Department of Mathematics hope might prove to be useful to the wider MTU community. Many thanks to our colleague Dr Seán Lacey who produced these macros for use and to the Teaching and Learning Unit for their continued support of the mathematics learning community.

In relation to the three links:

  • The first displays an example of how data can be inputted (missing results allowed). The Summary Statistics (blue button) just needs to be clicked, with summary statistics outputted;
  • The second is the same as the first, except with an additional Click here to reset button and the sample marks removed. It is the file that you might like to use yourself, if you feel the output would be of use to you at your MEB, PAB, etc.;
  • The third is a Mac compatible version of the calculator.


Example of how to use the summary statistics calculator for exam results

Summary statistics calculator for exam results

Summary statistics calculator for exam results (Mac compatible)


Some points of note when it comes to the calculator:

  • The main requirement for the macro to work is for the marks to be entered in Number format. This is mentioned in the Excel file;
  • The macro is designed to only do statistics on a maximum of 1000 student marks. If a more robust macro is required, then please feel free to let us know;
  • Marks in the distribution tables, included in the summary statistics output, are rounded as per WFF – e.g., 69.4% = 69.0%, 69.5% = 70.0%, etc.

Finally, if required, explanation of some of the statisitical terminology used in the Exam Marks Statistics Calculator can be found here.

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