It takes a lot of people to make a winning team. Everybody's contribution is important.
Robert Heffernan Profile
Personal Details
- Position: Lecturer.
- Research: My research interests are (mostly) in group theory.
Contact Details
- Departmental address: Department of Mathematics, Munster Technological University, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland.
- Office: C224
- Phone: 021 433 6186
- Email: robert dot heffernan at mtu dot ie
My research interests are primarily in the area of group theory. Initially, my work was in finite group theory (commuting probability, p-groups and their automorphisms, some character theory) but, more recently, I have developed an interest in geometric group theory.
Recent talks
- Embeddings of small finite groups, IMS September Meeting 2020, January 2021
- Groups, words, graphs and geometry, WIT Mathematics and Physics Seminar, May 2019
- Commuting probability of finite groups, Munster Groups, September 2018
- Lines: the only things we really understand, CIT Dept. of Mathematics Spring Seminar Series, May 2016
R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: Missing subgroups (in preparation).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: Comparing large values of commutativity ratios in finite groups (in preparation).
- R. Heffernan, B. McCann: Minimal embeddings of finite cyclic groups (in preparation).
- R. Heffernan, N. Lord, D. MacHale: Euler's prime-producing polynomial revisited in The Mathematical Gazette, Volume 108, Issue 571, 69--77 (2024).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: The genesis of a conjecture in number theory in Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society, 93, 39--41 (2024).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: Finite groups with at most nine non-central conjugacy classes in Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 124 (1), 33--46 (2024).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: Some shorter proofs for p-groups in Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society, 86, 107 (2020).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: Values of f(G) for groups G of odd order with $\Pr(G) \geq \frac{11}{75}$ in Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society, 85, 17--20 (2020).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: On the order of a smallest group with a given representation degree in Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society, 84, 21--24 (2020).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale, B. McCann: Cayley's theorem revisited: Embeddings of small finite groups in Mathematics Magazine, 91 (2), 103--111 (2018).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale, Á. Ní Shé: Central factor groups and commutativity in Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 117A (2), 63--75 (2017).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale: Some shorter proofs for p-groups (Classroom note) in Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society, 86, 107--108 (2020).
- R. Heffernan, B. McCann: Minimal embeddings of small finite groups in International Journal of Group Theory, 9 (3), 157--183 (2020).
- R. Heffernan, D. MacHale, Á. Ní Shé: Restrictions on commutativity ratios in finite groups in the International Journal of Group Theory, 3 (4), 1--12 (2014).
- J. Curran, R. Heffernan and D. MacHale: On the Order of the Automorphism Group of a Finite Group in Communications in Algebra, 39 (10), 3616--3624, (2011).
- C. Freuder, R. Heffernan, R. J. Wallace and N. Wilson: Lexicographically-ordered Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Constraints, 15 (1), 1--28 (2010).
- R. Heffernan and D. MacHale: On the sum of the character degrees of a finite group in Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 108A (1), 57--63 (2008).
- C. Freuder, R. Heffernan and R. J. Wallace: Ordinal constraint satisfaction in The Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Soft Constraints, 2003.