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Noreen Quinn Profile

Dr. Noreen Quinn

Lecturer in Statistics

Course Co-ordinator of H.Dip. and M.Sc. in Data Science and Analytics



Telephone No.: 021 4335885 (Ext. 5885)

E-mail address:


Areas of Expertise

Research: Biostatistics, Mathematical Modelling, Financial Modelling, Prediction Models.

Teaching: Biostatistics (Level 9), Applied Statistics and Probability (Level 8), Statistics and Mathematics for Marketing (Level 8), Essential Maths and Stats for Business (Level 7), Sports Science: Research Methods (Level 8), Advanced Social Care Research Methods (Level 8)  and various other courses.

Statistical Packages: SAS, SPSS, Excel and Minitab



PhD in Statistics at Dublin City University.

M.Sc. in Industrial and Financial Mathematics, Dublin City University.

B.Ed in Education and Mathematics, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.



  • Rice T., Quinn N., Sleator R., Lucey B. (2016) Changing Diagnostic Methods and Increased Detection of Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Ireland. Emerging Infectous Diseases Volumne 22 No. 9 1656-1657

  • Shortle E., O'Grady M.N., Gilroy D., Furey A., Quinn N., Kerry J.P. (2014) "Influence of extraction technique on anti-oxidative potential of hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) extracts in bovine muscle homogenates" Meat Science (Elsevier) 98:828-834.
  • Ryan S.T., Quinn N., McCarthy M. (2008) "Selfhealing computer systems: their role in future system designs", Proceedings of the 25th International Manufacturing Conference: September 3rd-5th 2008. Bolton Street, Dublin. Pg 591-598.
  • Lee D., Quinn N., McCarthy M. (2007) "Web browser device communication for shop floor information systems", Proceedings of the 24th International Manufacturing Conference: August 29th-30th 2007. Cork Road, Waterford. Pg 455-462.
  • Quinn-Whelton N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2007) "Detection of Abnormal Recordings in Irish Milk recorded Data" Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 46:117-127.
  • Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2006b) "Modelling Fat and Protein Percentage Curves for Irish Dairy Cows" Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 45:13-23.
  • Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2006a) "Empirical Algebraic Modelling of Liveweight Change for Irish Dairy cows over a lactation period" Livestock Science (Elsevier) 103:141-147.
  • Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F., (2005d) "Empirical Algebraic Modelling of Lactation Curves using Irish Data" Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 44:1-13.
  • Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2005c) "Modelling Liveweight Change over a Lactation in Irish Dairy Cows" Cookofabstractis of the 56th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production, Uppsala, Sweden. Pg 11.
  • Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2005b)"Modelling Lactation Curves for Irish Dairy Cows" Performal Recording of Animals: State of the Art 2004. Wageningen Publications Pg257-264.
  • Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2004c) "Statistical Modelling of Lactation Curve data" Proceedings of Compstat 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Physica-Verlag. Pg1677-1684
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