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Mark Hartnett Profile



2009 – 2016

Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland,
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics,
Thesis Title: “Role of Sulphur in Vibration Spectra and Bonding and Electronic Structure of GeSi Surfaces and Interfaces”.

 2004 - 2007

Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland,
M.Sc. in Physics and Non-Linear Dynamics,
Thesis Title: “Dynamics of Optical Injection in Semiconductor Lasers”.

2000 – 2004

University College Cork, Ireland,
B.Sc. in Physics (First class honours degree),
Final Year Project Title: "Spatial Coherence in Semiconductor Lasers",
Awarded Title College Scholar 2002 – 2004 UCC for academic achievement.

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