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David Hawe Profile




  • BSc (Hons) Mathematical Sciences, University of Limerick, 2005-2009
  • PhD Statistics, University College Cork, 2009-2014


Born in Limerick, David started a BSc in Mathematical Sciences in the University of Limerick in 2005, graduating in 2009. During this time, he was employed with both Hibernian Life and Pensions in Dublin and the Stokes Research Institute. During the final year of his degree, his studies he undertook a project on mathematical modelling of fluid flows through super hydrophobic micro-channels. In 2009, he started a PhD in Statistics with Professor Finbarr O'Sullivan in University College Cork during which time he tutored and lectured in applied mathematics and statistics at UCC. David's PhD was titled "Statistical considerations in the kinetic analysis of PET-FDG brain tumour studies." David has also worked on a number of projects as a consultant including finance and economics. 

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